Plants for shade >  Plants for Specific Locations  >  Ferns Suitable for Dry Shade.

Ferns for Dry Shade

A lot of the native ferns are suitable for growing in situations that are dried out in summer by the moisture being taken by the tree canopy.
For a guide please click on the following link to view a "Guide to Ferns for Dry Shade".

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Asplenium scolopendrium 'Cristatum'

  • Pot size: 9cm
  • Plant ultimate height: 30cm (12in)
  • Growing condition: Partial - full shade
  • Flowering season: N/A to N/A

Very highly crested and evergreen.

Price: (2 or fewer plants) £6.95
Price: (3 or more plants) £6.50


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People who bought this item also bought:
1. Polystichum setiferum 'Herrenhausen'
2. Dryopteris affinis 'Cristata The King' AGM
3. Polypodium vulgare 'Bifidomultifidum'

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Dryopteris filix-mas 'Linearis Polydactyla' AGM

  • Pot size: 9cm
  • Plant ultimate height: 60cm (24in)
  • Growing condition: Full shade
  • Flowering season: N/A to N/A

Pinnae reduced to ribs with long terminal crests on this graceful open fern. Most offered in the trade are not true but are inferior forms. Deciduous.

Price: (2 or fewer plants) £7.00
Price: (3 or more plants) £6.50


People who bought this item also bought:
1. Dryopteris affinis 'Cristata The King' AGM
2. Polystichum setiferum 'Herrenhausen'
3. Polystichum aculeatum AGM

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Dryopteris affinis 'Cristata The King' AGM

  • Pot size: 9cm
  • Plant ultimate height: 75cm plus (32in plus)
  • Growing condition: Partial - full shade
  • Flowering season: N/A to N/A

A truly magnificent fern with splendid crests and arching fronds, said to be the 'King of the British Ferns'. In time, to 1.2m tall. Very effective in a pot against a north facing wall. Semi-evergreen.

Price: (2 or fewer plants) £7.00
Price: (3 or more plants) £6.50


People who bought this item also bought:
1. Polystichum setiferum 'Herrenhausen'
2. Polystichum aculeatum AGM
3. Asplenium scolopendrium AGM
Dryopteris affinis 'Pinderi'

Dryopteris affinis 'Pinderi'

  • Pot size: 9cm
  • Plant ultimate height: 75cm plus (32in plus)
  • Growing condition: Partial - full shade
  • Flowering season: N/A to N/A

Narrow fronds on this strong growing affinis form. As with all affinis cultivars very good in dry shade.

Price: (2 or fewer plants) £7.00
Price: (3 or more plants) £6.50


People who bought this item also bought:
1. Polystichum setiferum 'Herrenhausen'
2. Deinanthe bifida x caerulea 'Pale Blue'
3. Dryopteris affinis 'Cristata The King' AGM
Polypodium vulgare 'Bifidomultifidum'

Polypodium vulgare 'Bifidomultifidum'

  • Pot size: 9cm
  • Plant ultimate height: 30cm (12in)
  • Growing condition: Full shade
  • Flowering season: N/A to N/A

Crested form of the native polypody, good ground cover particularly for dry shade. In common with other species looks best in Winter.

Price: (2 or fewer plants) £7.00
Price: (3 or more plants) £6.50


People who bought this item also bought:
1. Dryopteris affinis 'Cristata The King' AGM
2. Polystichum setiferum 'Herrenhausen'
3. Polystichum setiferum 'Divisilobum Wollaston'

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Polystichum aculeatum AGM

  • Pot size: 9cm
  • Plant ultimate height: 60cm (24in)
  • Growing condition: Partial - full shade
  • Flowering season: N/A to N/A

Native hard shield fern with glossy stiff leathery fronds. Tolerant of most soils and happy with some chalk in the soil. Evergreen.

Price: (2 or fewer plants) £7.00
Price: (3 or more plants) £6.50


People who bought this item also bought:
1. Dryopteris affinis 'Cristata The King' AGM
2. Polystichum setiferum 'Herrenhausen'
3. Polystichum setiferum 'Divisilobum Wollaston'
Polystichum setiferum 'Divisilobum Wollaston'

Polystichum setiferum 'Divisilobum Wollaston'

  • Pot size: 9cm
  • Plant ultimate height: 60cm (24in)
  • Growing condition: Partial - full shade
  • Flowering season: N/A to N/A

Long and lacy fronds on this fine form. Evergreen. Good in dry shade.

Price: (2 or fewer plants) £7.00
Price: (3 or more plants) £6.50


People who bought this item also bought:
1. Dryopteris affinis 'Cristata The King' AGM
2. Polystichum setiferum 'Herrenhausen'
3. Polystichum aculeatum AGM

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Polystichum setiferum 'Herrenhausen'

  • Pot size: 9cm
  • Plant ultimate height: 60cm (24in)
  • Growing condition: Partial - full shade
  • Flowering season: N/A to N/A

A fine divisilobum form of the soft shield fern. A beautiful, elegant form of this easy very tolerant fern even of dry soils. Makes a very good subject for a container.

Price: (2 or fewer plants) £7.00
Price: (3 or more plants) £6.50


People who bought this item also bought:
1. Dryopteris affinis 'Cristata The King' AGM
2. Polystichum aculeatum AGM
3. Polystichum setiferum 'Divisilobum Wollaston'
Plants for shade >  Plants for Specific Locations  >  Ferns Suitable for Dry Shade.

Best Selling Plants

Polypodium vulgare 'Bifidomultifidum'

Polypodium vulgare 'Bifidomultifidum'

£7.00 (2 or fewer items) £6.50 (3 or more items)

Crested form of the native polypody, good ground cover particularly for dry shade. In common with other species looks best in Winter.
find out more

Polypodium cambricum 'Whitely's Giant'

Polypodium cambricum 'Whitely's Giant'


A superb large growing form of this easy native Polypodium. Slightly serrated edges to the pinnules to 45cm tall. Summer dormant when you don't notice it anyway.
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Asplenium trichomanes AGM

Asplenium trichomanes AGM

£6.95 (2 or fewer items) £6.50 (3 or more items)

The native maidenhair spleenwort, common around here in walls, but good at the front of a shady border, trough or rock garden. Evergreen. A little beauty.
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Saxifraga stolonifera 'Maroon Beauty'

Saxifraga stolonifera 'Maroon Beauty'


Very attractive dark purple/green/silver mottled foliage all year, somewhat larger than 'Cuscutiformis' and white red bracted flowers in Spring. Spreads when happy. Stunning when planted as a mass or even in a container.

Photographed here with Astrantia, Tiarella and Geranium.
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Polypodium calirhiza 'Sarah Lyman'

Polypodium calirhiza 'Sarah Lyman'


A species from Western USA and Mexico. Quite vigorous. In this form has a very upright habit with cut and acute pointed pinnae and fronds. A very lovely introduction looking like some of the P. cambricum forms.
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Polypodium cambricum 'Grandiceps Fox' AGM


A mid growing cambricum form with a broad terminal crest and smaller side crest. Summer deciduous.
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