
Exquisite flowers that add a touch of the exotic to borders in the Autumn. They appreciate a moisture retentive soil in shade. Native to mainly Japan and Taiwan, their common name is the Toad Lily.

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Tricyrtis formosana 'Samurai'

  • Pot size: 1 Litre
  • Plant ultimate height: 30cm (12in)
  • Growing condition: Partial - full shade
  • Flowering season: July to September

A subtle form with a yellow rim to the mid green leaves and reddish purple lightly spotted flowers.

Price: £7.00


People who bought this item also bought:
1. Gillenia trifoliata AGM
2. Epimedium 'Amber Queen'
3. Gentiana asclepiadea var. alba AGM
Tricyrtis formosana 'Spotted Toad

Tricyrtis formosana 'Spotted Toad

  • Pot size: 1 Litre
  • Plant ultimate height: 15cm (6in)
  • Growing condition: Partial - full shade
  • Flowering season: August to October

A very compact and neat form of this species, we find the flowers are red spotted here in Somerset. Well spotted leaves

Price: £7.50


People who bought this item also bought:
1. 4 x Evergreen ferns for pots or shady borders
2. Asarum caudatum
3. Viola odorata 'Czar'
Tricyrtis lasiocarpa B & SWJ 3635

Tricyrtis lasiocarpa B & SWJ 3635

  • Pot size: 1 Litre
  • Plant ultimate height: 75cm plus (32in plus)
  • Growing condition: Partial - full shade
  • Flowering season: August to October

A fine introduction with clear blue flowers in Autumn on this species which has above ground layers rather than the typical rhizomes.

Price: £8.00


People who bought this item also bought:
1. Tricyrtis 'Taiwan Atrianne'
2. Anemonopsis macrophylla
3. Disporum longistylum 'Night Heron'
Tricyrtis 'Matsukaze'

Tricyrtis 'Matsukaze'

  • Pot size: 1 Litre
  • Plant ultimate height: 60cm (24in)
  • Growing condition: Partial - full shade
  • Flowering season: September to October

Very large spidery like white flowers with purple spots.

Price: £7.95


People who bought this item also bought:
1. Cyclamen hederifolium f. roseum AGM

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Tricyrtis 'Taiwan Atrianne'

  • Pot size: 1 Litre
  • Plant ultimate height: 75cm plus (32in plus)
  • Growing condition: Partial - full shade
  • Flowering season: September to October

Probably the most vigorous form we grow, robust and tall. Good large flowers in the Autumn.

Price: £6.95


People who bought this item also bought:
1. Begonia grandis 'Snowpop'
2. Cautleya spicata 'Crug Canary' B&SWJ 2103
3. Roscoea cangshanensis

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Polypodium vulgare 'Bifidomultifidum'

Polypodium vulgare 'Bifidomultifidum'

£7.00 (2 or fewer items) £6.50 (3 or more items)

Crested form of the native polypody, good ground cover particularly for dry shade. In common with other species looks best in Winter.
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Polypodium cambricum 'Whitely's Giant'

Polypodium cambricum 'Whitely's Giant'


A superb large growing form of this easy native Polypodium. Slightly serrated edges to the pinnules to 45cm tall. Summer dormant when you don't notice it anyway.
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Asplenium trichomanes AGM

Asplenium trichomanes AGM

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The native maidenhair spleenwort, common around here in walls, but good at the front of a shady border, trough or rock garden. Evergreen. A little beauty.
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Saxifraga stolonifera 'Maroon Beauty'

Saxifraga stolonifera 'Maroon Beauty'


Very attractive dark purple/green/silver mottled foliage all year, somewhat larger than 'Cuscutiformis' and white red bracted flowers in Spring. Spreads when happy. Stunning when planted as a mass or even in a container.

Photographed here with Astrantia, Tiarella and Geranium.
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Polypodium calirhiza 'Sarah Lyman'

Polypodium calirhiza 'Sarah Lyman'


A species from Western USA and Mexico. Quite vigorous. In this form has a very upright habit with cut and acute pointed pinnae and fronds. A very lovely introduction looking like some of the P. cambricum forms.
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Polypodium cambricum 'Grandiceps Fox' AGM


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