
Uvularia grandiflora AGM

Uvularia grandiflora AGM

  • Pot size: 1 Litre
  • Plant ultimate height: 45cm (18in)
  • Growing condition: Partial - full shade
  • Flowering season: April to May

The merrybells of Eastern American woods, yellow bells in Spring, easy and very elegant for the woodland garden. Will form a slow spreading clump in time. Watch out for slug and snail damage early in the year.

Price: £8.20


People who bought this item also bought:
1. Galium odoratum
2. SPECIAL OFFER: Cyclamen coum AGM x 8 mixed 9cm pots
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Uvularia grandiflora var pallida

Uvularia grandiflora var pallida

  • Pot size: 1 Litre
  • Plant ultimate height: 60cm (24in)
  • Growing condition: Partial - full shade
  • Flowering season: N/A to N/A

Pale yellow version of above and flowering some 3 weeks later.

Price: £8.20


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People who bought this item also bought:
1. Gentiana asclepiadea var. alba AGM
2. Speirantha convallarioides
3. Deinanthe bifida x caerulea 'Pale Blue'
Uvularia perfoliata

Uvularia perfoliata

  • Pot size: 1 Litre
  • Plant ultimate height: 15cm (6in)
  • Growing condition: Partial - full shade
  • Flowering season: N/A to N/A

The true species, much shorter and paler flowered than that often grown in the UK as this which is a form of grandiflora.

Price: £8.20


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