Pteris cretica Hardy form

Pteris cretica Hardy form

  • Pot size: 1 Litre
  • Plant ultimate height: 60cm (24in)
  • Growing condition: Partial - full shade
  • Flowering season: N/A to N/A

This is a form that has been grown in gardens, in Hampshire and beyond and proven hardy. We have propagated them by division. To 80cm evergreen but will need the old fronds removing as the new ones emerge in Spring. once pinnate glassy green fronds, narrower in the fertile pinnae.

Price: £9.50


People who bought this item also bought:
1. Pteris nipponica
2. Arachniodes simplicior 'Variegata'
3. Blechnum spicant AGM

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Pteris nipponica

  • Pot size: 9cm
  • Plant ultimate height: 60cm (24in)
  • Growing condition: Partial - full shade
  • Flowering season: N/A to N/A

A fine species of Ribbon Fern, light green fronds with a with white strip. Not for a really cold spot, no colder than - 6 degrees c. Very good in a pot or a sheltered courtyard or similar.

Price: £7.00


People who bought this item also bought:
1. Asplenium trichomanes AGM
2. Asplenium adiantum-nigrum
3. Pteris cretica Hardy form

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